Thursday, November 4, 2010

With a straight face...

What had happened was...the other evening I had arrived at a client's dealership for what I so lovingly refer to as a "night shoot". Which just simply means the "talent" for the commercial needs me to arrive after hours to set up and shoot the footage I'll use for their next spot. Usually this is because they're the managers, owners, etc. and are too busy during office hours.

This week as I was in the process of unloading the trailer, setting up the lights and whatnot they came out to discuss the scripts. While joking around, one of the sales managers says, "Run tell dat!" followed by a wave of laughter. You may find it either sad or not too surprising, but I was out of the loop.

"What? You haven't heard about it? You gotta come to office to watch this. It is hilarious!" was their request and why not? I'm always up for a good laugh, so off to YouTube we clicked and watched the following news report...

Then we just had to watch the follow up...

Admittedly, I did get a kick out the absurdity and reinforced, negative stereotypes that were so blatantly placed "center stage" (heck, I might even add the track to my playlist!), and by a local media outlet no less.

While we have all seen these types of stories aired more than once. You have to wonder how these station's "news" teams can deliver these to the public with a straight face. As if anyone believes they are attempting to disseminate legitimate information. When watching some you can see them sort of making light of the story, but in others they are very stoic I guess in case they attempt to sell the whole, "What? We had no idea anyone would be offended. We were merely reporting the news."

It seems that this has become so in fashion that everyone wants to jump on the band wagon. Not to share a newsworthy story, but to simply get their own "15 minutes of Fame" on YouTube, and maybe, just maybe make it to the network.

If you ask this "reporter", the only people "gettin' raped up in here" are those in the general public looking to their local news station to do just that, deliver the news. Well, the news, sports, and weather on the 3's...More at 10!


  1. i can't believe a person as plugged in as you had not seen that video.

  2. Well, all I can say is I am very flattered you think I am ... but it's "just for decorations ... that's it and that's all!"
